The MTCaptcha captcha widget supports two distinct form-factors (display dimensions) to best satisfy the needs of different layouts.
Both form factors are
The MTCaptcha Standard (default) form factor is larger and and visually stand alone, allowing it to be easily dropped into any layout.
The MTCaptcha Modern Mini form factor is designed to visually resonate with html text forms, it is compact and can be added to a form layout with minimal impact to design and dimensions.
To enable MTCaptcha Modern Mini compact layout, use the ‘widgetSize’ javascript config param.
var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<YOUR SITE KEY>",
"widgetSize": "mini"
In addition, the exact height and width of the modern mini widget can be configured via the ‘miniFormHeight’ and ‘miniFormWidth’ javascript config params.
var mtcaptchaConfig = {
"sitekey": "<YOUR SITE KEY>",
"widgetSize": "mini",
// minimum 265px, maximum 600px, default responsive
"miniFormWidth" 400,
// minimum 42px, maximum 55px, default 45px
"miniFormHeight": 50